Let me start by saying that no one in our family is Irish and my husband constantly says he doesn't even know what all the hubbub is about. Yes I used the word hubbub. Is that even a word?
wow. totally off subject. let me get back on track.
So I wanted to make some yummy (i hope) st. patty's day treats today.I decided on dark chocolate mint brownies. Sounds good right? I really hope so because I'm feeding them to the kids after school.
I am also working on taking so artsy fartsy food pictures. granted i don't have one of those evniable cameras that some of my favorite blogs have but maybe if this blog thing picks up steam I might just convince RT (roll tide) - my hubby, to get me one.

**Isn't its Purty?!?!**
I crack myself up sometimes. He won't get me one unless this baking gig turns into something financially adventageous. Did I spell that right? Oh well!
So this blog was totally all over the place but I'll be back later with pictures of my hopefully good brownies! Keep your fingers crossed.
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